Bushfire Interviews
What is the purpose of the interviews?
The interviews investigated people’s stories and experiences of the 2019/2020 bushfires, including how bushfire and bushfire smoke affected wellbeing, and what helped with resilience and recovery. We also heard about how Covid-19 further impacted people after the fires. The interview data is currently being analysed to understand the ongoing social and emotional wellbeing needs following bushfire, and how to prepare to support wellbeing for future bushfires and other natural disasters.
What is required if you take part?
We would like to talk with you for around 1 to 2 hours. How long this takes is up to you - you can choose to tell us a lot or a little. We will talk to you online over Zoom or by telephone/mobile phone. Read the information sheet for full details.
The information you give us will be combined with our other study data for community, local government, health workers, and policy makers, to plan strategies for bushfire resilience and recovery.
Reimbursement for participating
All participants will receive a $50 e-gift voucher (Prezzee card) as thanks for your time and generosity. The voucher will be given after the interview via email.
How is this study being paid for?
The study is being funded by The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF). Participation in this study will not cost you anything.
What happens with the results?
When all the information is analysed, results will be published on our website and communicated to bushfire-affected communities. Communities will receive copies of any papers that are written for journals and a summary report of research findings.
Sign up or find out more
If you would like to participate, click the link to enter your email address or phone number and we will get in touch:
To find out more about the project, contact the team at:
Email: bushfirestudy@anu.edu.au
Phone: +61 2 6125 1664