A woman standing in front of a small aeroplane

Executive Education in Aerospace Medicine and Health

Our executive education program in Aerospace Medicine and Health (currently under development) offers an opportunity to understand more about humans in the aviation and/or space environments. This planned suite of short courses is the product of an exciting collaboration between Australia’s national university and the Civil Aviation Safety Authority. These courses offer something for all professionals who work in the health and/or aerospace industries, including:

  • medical practitioners who are looking to increase their knowledge to better care for their patients – both those who work in the aerospace industry or passengers;
  • health professionals (such as psychologists, nurses, paramedics, physiotherapist, dieticians etc) who undertake aeromedical retrieval, care for aircrew, or who have an interest in contributing to the field;
  • other professionals working in the aerospace industry.

Learn from our faculty of experts in Aerospace Medicine, whose experiences and expertise covers military and civilian aviation, and the space environment.

More information on specific courses and dates is coming soon! 

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Key people

Professor Gordon Cable AM

Professor Gordon Cable AM, Professor in Space Medicine, Course Convenor, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology

Professor Cable is a Professor of Space Medicine at ANU, Fellow of the Australasian College of Aerospace Medicine, co-founder of Human Aerospace, longtime RAAF Institute of Aviation Medicine staff, was Space Medicine & Life Sciences Lead (2020–21) at the Australian Space Agency, and holds multiple aerospace Fellowships.

Professor Air Vice-Marshal (Ret) Tracy Smart AO

Professor Tracy Smart AO, Professor, Military and Aerospace Medicine, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology

Professor Smart is Professor of Military & Aerospace Medicine at ANU, focusing on health security, military service impacts, leadership, and as a Space Medicine Mission Specialist. A physician and retired RAAF senior officer, she served 35 years, including RAF/USAF exchanges, overseas deployments, and as ADF Surgeon General.

Dr Kate Manderson

Dr Kate Manderson, Principal Medical Officer, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Dr Manderson is Principal Medical Officer for Australia’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority. She specialized in aerospace medicine through the ADF (Royal Australian Navy) before joining the civil sector. She’s a Fellow of RAeS, AsMA, ACAsM, and RACGP, with broad experience in medical education, leadership, and governance, focusing on rural healthcare.

Dr Tony Hochberg

Dr Tony Hochberg, Deputy Principal Medical Officer, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

Dr Hochberg is Deputy Principal Medical Officer at CASA, with a background as an Aviation Doctor for CAA NZ/CASA and Corporate Physician, managing aeromedical retrievals, hyperbaric repatriation, and travel health. He taught aviation medicine (postgrad) and occupational medicine at ECU, Otago, and Curtin.


Civil Aviation Safety Authority logo

Dr Kate Manderson, Principal Medical Officer, Civil Aviation Safety Authority

'CASA is excited to see the development of aviation medicine education opportunities by ANU. No matter what the specialty, every doctor in Australia is likely to provide care to pilots and air traffic controllers in their practice. Being able to understand the setting where their patient works (and plays), and how the care provided contributes to the aviation safety system, will help those doctors provide the best care possible. CASA also welcomes the opportunity to have initial and currency training for doctors who are designated within the Civil Aviation Safety Regulations provided by an academic institution of the calibre of ANU.'


Feedback from our first course in December 2024

What were the strengths of the course?

  • The access to Kate and Tracy and Gordon and their immense knowledge
  • Experienced speakers
  • Provided a good foundation and practical tips
  • Experience of the presenters, their enthusiasm and particularly the physiology and relevance to the flight environment
  • The interactions with speakers and other delegates was invaluable