Body & tissue donation
A sound knowledge of human anatomy is the foundation of medical training. Students who have the opportunity to perform detailed examination of human bodies post mortem learn faster and gain special insight into the anatomical relationships of organs, muscles and bones.
This knowledge helps students to become better health professionals and contributes directly to developing a high standard of medical care for our community. We are very grateful to members of the public who generously donate their bodies, organs and tissues to medical training.
You can donate in a number of ways
Organ / tissue donation after surgery
Organs and tissue donated after surgery are an important teaching resource for medical training. Donated organs and tissue form a collection, housed in the Surgical Specimen Teaching Museum at The Canberra Hospital, which is used to teach anatomy and pathology to medical students and for the further education of ACT Health nurses and trainee doctors. After surgery our team will contact you to discuss donating the organ or tissue removed during surgery. If you consent, they will work with you to complete the paperwork.
Body donations after death
Undergraduate and post-graduate students undertaking training in anatomy need access to real human tissue and organs to understand the workings of the body. Through the generosity of donors our students are provided invaluable learning opportunities to understand the intricacies of the human body. If you are considering donating your body for the advancement of science and medical knowledge please discuss with your family and contact us for further information.
For further information please email bodydonation@anu.edu.au or call 0405 654 310. We will endeavour to contact you as soon as possible.
Donating via the DonateLife Registry
Separate to the organ and body donation program run by the School of Medicine and Psychology, there is also the option to donate your organs via the DonateLife Registry. Please note that donations to the DonateLife Registry are not used for training purposes.