View of mountains in Suva, Fiji at sunset

National universities working together

Publication date
Friday, 16 Aug 2024

Working with our Pacific Island neighbours, supporting them to advance their priorities, is a strategic responsibility of the Australian National University (ANU).

In meeting this goal, Associate Professor Katrina Anderson from the ANU School of Medicine and Psychology was recently engaged by the Fiji National University in Suva to teach their senior academics in medicine, dentistry, nursing and radiography on the requirements for improving clinical teaching skills.

The one day workshop was for senior academic teaching staff who are responsible for managing clinical placements and training  clinical supervisors to improve student learning in the clinical environment.

“The aim of the workshop is to upskill clinicians in their teaching skills and consequently maximise the learning experience for students and junior doctors,” Associate Professor Anderson advised.

In addition, the ANU Educational Fellowship Scheme Committee - of which Associate Professor Anderson is a member - will undertake a project to support the development of an Educational Fellowship Scheme within Fiji National University. 

Participants in the workshop will undertake a second workshop with Associate Professor Anderson and then apply for AFHEA (Associate Fellowship Higher Education Academy) via the Teaching in Medicine Pathway through the ANU EFS. They will be the first EFS Associate Fellows at Fiji National University.

“The wonderful thing about the Educational Fellowship Scheme is that it supports learning across all disciplines and areas at the Fiji National University –  not just health education.”

“Such a scheme provides those who teach in a university with learning and teaching support, mentoring, and training, and provides internationally accredited recognition of an educators experience and expertise,” Associate Professor Anderson added.

“The creation of communities of practice around teaching and learning enables a university to enhance the learning experience for their students and so Fiji National University is keen to develop an Educational Fellowship Scheme locally.”

“Communities of practice are about sharing information and ideas to generate new strategies and ways of doing things.”

“They also ensure best practice is developed to create efficiencies and support professional development,” Associate Professor Anderson said.

“Given ANU has an established Educational Fellowship Scheme, our committee is looking forward to providing mentorship and sharing our knowledge with the Fiji National University to help them bring their vision for an educational scheme and communities of practice to fruition.”