Barb Corapi


Barb Corapi is a communications specialist who collaborates with researchers, educators and students to create engaging content that celebrates their achievements.


View of mountains in Suva, Fiji at sunset

The Fiji National University is building an Educational Fellowship Scheme with the support and expertise of ANU.

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Image of Rachel Stephen-Smith, Minister for Health (ACT); scholarship recipients Alexander Slockee and Burnum Brademann; Paul Fitzgerald, Director, School of Medicine and Psychology; and Julie Tongs, CEO, Winnunga Nimmityjah Aboriginal Health & Community Services

Medical students, Burnum Brademann and Alexander Slockee were acknowledged as recipients of the Peter Sharp Scholarship.

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Dr Michael Chapman, photo by Tracey Nearmy

It might sound like a tricky topic, but healthcare experts say it’s important to discuss and plan for the end of your life.

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Image of Associate Professor Michelle Barrett

Always one to seek out new challenges, Associate Professor Michelle Barrett stepped into the leadership role of Head of Scholar's House earlier this year.

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At the hospital, medical students receive the patient and get to work

A multi-agency simulation exercise continues to grow in realism and challenge for participants, enhancing learning.

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Riccardo Natoli, VC Award, Excellence in Supervision, supervisor, mentor, mentee, clear vision lab,

Listening to what his mentees have to say about him, it is no wonder that Associate Professor Riccardo Natoli recieved the VC Award for Excellence in Supervision.

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