Emeritus Professor Kirsty Douglas

Honorary Emeritus Professor, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
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Research interests
- Primary Health Care
- Public Health And Health Services
- Health And Community Service
- COVID-19 General Practice Clinicians: 5 Minute Survey, Principal investigator
- Butler, D, Joshy, G, Douglas, K et al. 2023, 'Changes in general practice use and costs with COVID-19 and telehealth initiatives: analysis of Australian whole-population linked data', British Journal of General Practice, vol. 73, no. 730, pp. e364-e373.
- Yadav, U, Smith, M, Agostino, J et al. 2023, 'Understanding the implementation of health checks in the prevention and early detection of chronic diseases among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Australia: a realist review protocol', BMJ Open, vol. 13, no. 6, pp. 1-8.
- Yeung, S, Perriman, D, Chhabra, R et al. 2022, 'ACT Transition from Hospital to Home Orthopaedic Survey: a cross-sectional survey of unplanned 30-day readmissions for patients having total hip arthroplasty', BMJ Open, vol. 12, no. 5.
- O'Brien, K, Agostino, J, Ciszek, K et al. 2022, 'Parents' perceptions of their child's weight among children in their first year of primary school: a mixed-methods analysis of an Australian cross-sectional (complete enumeration) study', International Journal of Obesity, vol. 46, pp. 992-1001.
- Barnes, K, Ceramidas, D & Douglas, K 2022, 'Why patients attend after-hours medical services: a cross-sectional survey of patients across the Australian Capital Territory', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. 28, no. 6, pp. 549-555.
- O'Brien, K, Barnes, K, Hall, S et al. 2022, 'COVID-19 vaccinations and counselling: A mixed-methods survey of Australian general practice in July 2021', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 399-407.
- Butler, D, Agostino, J, Paige, E et al. 2022, 'Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health checks: sociodemographic characteristics and cardiovascular risk factors', Public Health Research & Practice, vol. 32, no. 1, pp. 1-9.
- Barnes, K, Agostino, J, Ceramidas, D et al. 2022, 'After-hours presentations to community-based primary care in the Australian Capital Territory', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. Published 17 March 2022 (online), pp. A-G.
- Chhabra, M, Perriman, D, Phillips, C et al. 2022, 'Understanding factors affecting 30-day unplanned readmissions for patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty (TKA): the ACT Transition from Hospital to Home Orthopaedics Survey', BMJ Open, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 1 - 8.
- O'Brien, K, Agostino, J, Ciszek, K et al. 2022, 'Parents' perceptions of their child's weight in children in their first year of primary school: a mixed methods analysis of an Australian cross-sectional (complete enumeration) study', International Journal of Obesity, vol. 46, pp. 992-1001.
- Dossetor, P, Fitzpatrick, E, Glass, K et al. 2021, 'Emergency Department Presentations by Children in Remote Australia: A Population-based Study', Global Pediatric Health, vol. 8, pp. 1-11.
- Burns, P, Fitzgerald, G, Hu, W et al. 2021, 'General Practitioners' Roles in Disaster Health Management: Perspectives of Disaster Managers', Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 124 - 131.
- Douglas, K, O'Brien, K, Hall, S et al. 2021, 'Quick COVID Clinician Survey Summary (Australia), series 5-8', Annals of Family Medicine, vol. COVID-19 Collection.
- Douglas, K, O'Brien, K, Hall, S et al. 2021, 'Quick COVID Clinician Survey Summary (Australia), series 9-13', Annals of Family Medicine, vol. COVID-19 Collection.
- Hunik, L, Galvin, S, Olde Hartman, T et al. 2021, 'Exploring the psychometric properties of the Working Alliance Inventory in general practice: a cross-sectional study', BJGP Open , vol. 5, no. 1, pp. 1-9.
- Sturgiss , E, O'Brien, K, Elmitt, N et al. 2021, 'Obesity management in primary care: systematic review exploring the influence of therapeutic alliance', Family Practice, vol. 38, no. 5, pp. 644-653.
- Douglas, K, Hall, S, O'Brien, K et al. 2021, 'Quick COVID Clinician Survey Summary (Australia), series 1-4', Annals of Family Medicine.
- Hsu, B, Korda, R, Jorm, L et al. 2021, 'Use of health and aged care services in Australia following hospital admission for myocardial infarction, stroke or heart failure', BMC geriatrics, vol. 21, no. 1.
- O'Brien, K, Agostino, J, Ciszek, K et al 2020, 'Physical activity and risk of behavioural and mental health disorders in kindergarten children: analysis of a series of cross-sectional complete enumeration (census) surveys', BMJ Open, vol. 10, no. 3, pp. 1-9.
- Stone, L, Phillips, C & Douglas, K 2020, 'With the best will in the world: How benevolent sexism shapes medical careers', Medical Education, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 94-97.
- Martin, S, Sturgiss, E, Douglas, K et al. 2020, 'Hidden curriculum within nutrition education in medical schools ', BMJ Nutrition, Prevention & Health, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 18-23.
- Fitzgerald, X, Herceg, A, Douglas, K et al. 2020, 'Cardiovascular disease risk assessment in an Aboriginal community-controlled health service: Comparing algorithms', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. 26, no. 4, pp. 281-286.
- Vinjerui, K, Bjorngaard , J, Krokstad, S et al. 2020, 'Socioeconomic Position, Multimorbidity and Mortality in a Population Cohort: The HUNT Study', Journal of Clinical Medicine, vol. 9, no. 9, pp. 1-13.
- Hestmann Vinjerui, K, Bjerkeset, O, Bjorngaard, J et al. 2020, 'Socioeconomic inequalities in the prevalence of complex multimorbidity in a Norwegian population: findings from the cross-sectional HUNT Study', BMJ Open, vol. 10, no. 1136.
- Hestmann Vinjerui, K, Douglas, K, Boeckxstaens, P et al. 2020, 'Prevalence of multimorbidity with frailty and associations with socioeconomic position in an adult population: Findings from the cross-sectional HUNT Study in Norway', BMJ Open, vol. 10, no. 6.
- Zhou, M, Desborough, J, Parkinson, A et al 2019, 'Barriers to pharmacist prescribing: a scoping review comparing the UK, New Zealand, Canadian and Australian experiences', International Journal of Pharmacy Practice, vol. 27, no. 6, pp. 479-489.
- Burns, P, Douglas, K & Hu, W 2019, 'Primary care in disasters: opportunity to address a hidden burden of health care', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 210, no. 7, pp. 297-299.
- Sturgiss, E, Rieger, E, Haesler, E et al 2019, 'Adaption and validation of the Working Alliance Inventory for General Practice: qualitative review and cross-sectional surveys', Family Practice, vol. 36, no. 4, pp. 516-522.
- Sturgiss, E, Tait, P, Douglas, K et al 2019, 'GPs at the Deep End: Identifying and addressing social disadvantage wherever it lies', Australian Journal of General Practice, vol. 48, no. 11, pp. 811-813.
- Stone, L, Phillips, C & Douglas, K 2019, 'Sexual assault and harassment of doctors, by doctors: a qualitative study', Medical Education, vol. 53, no. 8, pp. 833-843.
- Sturgiss, E, Elmitt, N, Haesler, E et al 2018, 'Role of the family doctor in the management of adults with obesity: a scoping review', BMJ Open, vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 1-29.
- Tran, B, Straka, P, Falster, M et al 2018, 'Overcoming the data drought: exploring general practice in Australia by network analysis of big data', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 209, no. 2, pp. 68-73.
- Sturgiss, E, Madigan, C, Klein, D et al 2018, 'Metabolic syndrome and weight management programs in primary care: a comparison of three international healthcare systems', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. 24, no. 5, pp. 372-377.
- Sturgiss, E, Elmitt, N, Agostino, J et al 2018, 'The influence of therapeutic alliance on adult obesity interventions in primary care: A systematic review protocol', Australian Journal of General Practice, vol. 47, no. 9, pp. 646-649.
- Banfield, M, Jowsey, T, Parkinson, A et al 2017, 'Experiencing integration: a qualitative pilot study of consumer and provider experiences of integrated primary health care in Australia', BMC Family Practice Journal, vol. 18, no. 2, pp. 1-12.
- Sturgiss, E, Elmitt, N, Haesler, E et al 2017, 'Feasibility and acceptability of a physician-delivered weight management programme', Family Practice, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 43-48pp.
- Sturgiss, E, Haesler, E, Elmitt, N et al. 2017, 'Obesity management in primary care', Lancet, The (UK edition), vol. 389, no. 10079, pp. 1605-1605.
- Burns, P, Douglas, K, Raphael, B et al. 2017, 'When Disaster Strikes what is the Role of the Local Primary Healthcare Doctor?', Prehospital and Disaster Medicine, vol. 32, no. Supplement 1 , pp. 70-71.
- Sturgiss, E, Haesler, E, Elmitt, N et al 2017, 'Increasing general practitioners' confidence and self-efficacy in managing obesity: a mixed methods study', BMJ Open, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. e014314-e014314.
- Phillips, C, Hall, S, Elmitt, N et al 2017, 'People-centred integration in a refugee primary care service: a complex adaptive systems perspective', Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 25, no. 1, pp. 26-38.
- Sturgiss, E, Sargent, G, Haesler, E et al 2016, 'Therapeutic alliance and obesity management in primary care - a cross-sectional pilot using the Working Alliance Inventory', Clinical Obesity, vol. 6, no. 6, pp. 376-379pp.
- Sturgiss, E, Douglas, K, Kathage, R et al 2016, 'A synthesis of selected national Australian guidelines on the general practice management of adult patients who are overweight or obese', Australian Family Physician, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 327-331pp.
- Sturgiss, E, Van Weel, C, Ball, L et al 2016, 'Obesity management in Australian primary care: Where has the general practitioner gone?', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. 22, no. 6, pp. 473-476.
- Sturgiss, E & Douglas, K 2016, 'A collaborative process for developing a weight management toolkit for general practitioners in Australia-an intervention development study using the Knowledge To Action framework', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, vol. 2, no. 20, pp. 1-8.
- Sturgiss, E, Douglas, K, Kathage, R et al 2016, 'A synthesis of selected national Australian guidelines on the general practice management of adult patients who are overweight or obese extc1', Australian Family Physician, vol. 45, no. 5, pp. 327-331pp.
- Stone, L, Douglas, K, Mitchell, I et al 2015, 'SEXUAL ABUSE OF DOCTORS BY DOCTORS PROFESSIONALISM COMPLEXITY AND THE POTENTIAL FOR HEALING', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 203, no. 4, pp. 170-171.
- Parkinson, A, Jorm, L, Douglas, K et al 2015, 'Recruiting general practitioners for surveys: reflections on the difficulties and some lessons learned', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. 21, no. 2, pp. 254-258.
- Tran, B, Falster, M, Douglas, K et al 2015, 'Smoking and potentially preventable hospitalisation: The benefit of smoking cessation in older ages', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, vol. 150, pp. 85-91.
- Falster, M, Jorm, L, Douglas, K et al 2015, 'Sociodemographic and Health Characteristics, Rather Than Primary Care Supply, are Major Drivers of Geographic Variation in Preventable Hospitalizations in Australia', Medical Care, vol. 53, no. 5, pp. 436-445.
- Dorrington, M, Herceg, A, Douglas, K et al 2015, 'Increasing Pap smear rates at an urban Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service through translational research and continuous quality improvement', Australian Journal of Primary Health, vol. 21, no. 4, pp. 417-422.
- Sturgiss, E, Douglas, K & Trumble, S 2015, 'Pharmaceutical sales strategies and sponsorship', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 202, no. 3, pp. 131-131.
- Sturgiss, E, Elmitt, N, Van Weel, C et al 2015, 'The role of the family doctor in the management of adults who are obese: a scoping review protocol', SpringerPlus, vol. 4, no. 820, pp. 1-5.
- Tran, B, Falster, M, Douglas, K et al 2014, 'Health behaviours and potentially preventable hospitalisation: A prospective study of older Australian adults', PLOS ONE (Public Library of Science), vol. 9, no. 4, pp. e93111-e93111.
- Bagheri, N, McRae, I, Konings, P et al 2014, 'Undiagnosed diabetes from cross-sectional GP practice data: An approach to identify communities with high likelihood of undiagnosed diabetes', BMJ Open, vol. 4, no. 7, pp. e005305-e005305.
- Sturgiss, E, Douglas, K, Res, S et al 2014, 'Comparison and synthesis of current Australian guidelines on the management of obese adult patients in General Practice', Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, vol. 8, p. 97.
- Sturgiss, E, Douglas, K, Res, S et al 2014, 'Treating overweight and obese adults in General Practice - A systematic review', Obesity Research and Clinical Practice, vol. 8, pp. 97-98.
- Jowsey, T, Pearce-Brown, C, Douglas, K et al 2014, 'What motivates Australian health service users with chronic illness to engage in self-management behaviour', Health Expectations, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 267-277.
- Hickie, M, Douglas, K & Ciszek, K 2013, 'The prevalence of overweight and obesity in Indigenous kindergarten children A cross sectional population based study', Australian Family Physician, vol. 42, no. 7, pp. 497-500.
- Appleton, S, Neo, C, Hill, C et al 2013, 'Untreated hypertension: Prevalence and patient factors and beliefs associated with under-treatment in a population sample', Journal of Human Hypertension, vol. 27, no. 7, pp. 453-462.
- Jorm, L, Leyland, A, Blyth, F et al 2012, 'Assessing Preventable Hospitalisation InDicators (APHID): Protocol for a data-linkage study using cohort study and administrative data', BMJ Open, vol. 2, no. 6, pp. 1-8.
- Douglas,KA,Yen, L, Korda,RJ, Kljakovic, M, and Glasgow, NJ 2011. 'Chronic disease management items in general practice: a population-based study of variation in claims by claimant characteristics.' Med J Aust; 195 (4): 198-202.
- Douglas, K, Butler, D, Humphreys, J et al 2010, Australian Primary Health Care Research Institute Submission in Response to the Medicare Locals Discussion paper on Governance and Functions.
- Douglas, K, Rayner, F, Yen, L et al 2009, 'Australia's primary health care workforce - research informing policy', Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 191, no. 2, pp. 81-84.
- Douglas, K 2009, 'GP Workforce Research in the ACT: "Linkage and Exchange" in Practice', General Practice and Primary Health Care Research Conference, Primary Health Care Research and Information Services, Adelaide.
- Friel, S, Douglas, K, Banwell, C et al. 2005, 'Multilevel obesity surveillance', Obesity Reviews, vol. 6, no. S1, p. 79.