COVID-19 General Practice Clinicians: 5 Minute Survey

COVID-19 General Practice Clinicians - 5 Minute Survey

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Cartoon of large COVID19 virus spore with ladder leaning on spore and person standing on ladder looking through a binocular supposedly for answers

Most of Australian healthcare occurs in the community, through general practice; but little is known about how general practice has responded to COVID-19. We are using a series of surveys to explore the impact of COVID-19 and related issues in general practice over time. In the latest survey, we are asking about how general practice might engage with plans to deliver COVID-19 care in the community. Please complete the survey here

Our last survey asked about GP awareness of and involvement with planning COVID-19 community care. Most respondents had not been informed or consulted about plans for COVID-19 to be managed in the community and expressed frustration at poor communication and engagement from Government and local health services. A summary of results is available here.

Our survey is targeted at General Practitioners and Practice Nurses. The survey started fortnightly, but has dropped in frequency to every few months to account for change in COVID-19 context in Australia.

By participating in this survey, you are helping us understand how COVID-19 and related stressors are impacting patients outside of hospital settings, and how the impact might change over time as the public health emergency unfolds. This information can be used by the Australian Department of Health and other agencies to shape policy and better plan for primary care.

Please read the participant information sheet before taking the survey. If you have any further questions you can contact the study team via email.

Thank you for your contribution to this important research.

Documents & Reports


Principal investigator

Kirsty Douglas, GP, general practice, primary care, clinical, educator, academic

Honorary Professor, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology


Senior Research Fellow, on project RACGP Education Research Grant: developing educational modules for conducting safe and high quality telehealth
ANU School of Medicine and Psychology

Head, Rural Clinical School, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology

Kathleen O'Brien

Senior Lecturer in General Practice, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology