Dr Stephanie Hardacre
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Stephanie Hardacre was awarded her PhD in social psychology from the University of Newcastle in mid-2020. Her PhD research explored political solidarity and leadership processes in the context of gender equality, examining how leader gender shapes the capacity of male and female leaders to mobilise individuals for gender equality as a common cause. Stephanie is currently a postdoctoral research fellow within the School of Medicine and Psychology at the Australian National University, working on an ARC-funded project investigating online strategies for increasing the social integration and mental wellbeing of working-class university students. Stephanie is also part of a team at the University of Newcastle’s Centre of Excellence for Equity in Higher Education, exploring the impact of gender-based violence on students’ access to and participation in higher education.
- Health and Identity Lab, Researcher
Research interests
Mental Health; Equity in Higher Education; Social Class; Inequality; Social Identity; Social Integration; Gender-Based Violence
Building 39, University Avenue, Australian National University, Acton ACT 2601