Get To Know... Joshua Taylor

Publication date
Wednesday, 17 Apr 2024

Before joining the ANU School of Medicine and Psychology...

I worked in the community support sector in Far North Queensland where my focus was working with students from various ethnicities progress through school. 

My role at SMP is....

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Student Development Officer. I work closely with Stewart Sutherland and the rest of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health team, providing administration support within the Indigenous Health Stream (IHS) course, providing support with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander medical students and working with Indigenous students to support their pathway to medicine. 

The top three things on my to do list are... 

  1. Catch up with all the tasks on the handover notes.
  2. Meet all the Indigenous medical students.
  3. Make connection with Indigenous undergrad students who are thinking of medicine as a pathway.  

Something new I want to learn this year...

is my ancestor’s language (Dharug Language).

My ethnic/cultural heritage is...

a lot! Throughout school I was known as a fruit salad because of it. I am Australian, Aboriginal, Samoan, Tongan, Northern Indian/Pakistani, Scottish and Irish. 

The most adventurous thing I've ever done is...

marrying at 22 years old. At the time, people would question why I was getting married so young, and for myself, it made sense as I wanted to be with my best friend forever. Now, we are 5 years strong and hoping for another 50+ years to come. Being married has been the best adventure of my life.