EMCR Talks & Prizes

Submit a pre-recorded rapid-fire talk - prizes up for grabs!

Rapid-fire talks - prizes up for grabs

EMCR Conference attendees are invited to submit a pre-recorded rapid-fire talk1,2.

There will be cash prizes for the best rapid-fire talks, which will be featured during the Conference. The rapid-fire talks will also be posted on the Australian Academy of Science website for the AI in Science project. Full guidelines and online training will be made available to registered attendees of the AI in Science Conference.

Up to four talk prizes will be awarded, valued at $1000 each.

To submit an EMCR rapid-fire talk please:

EMCR rapid-fire talk: Workshop, 1pm AEST 9 September 2024 

The Australian National Centre for the Public Awareness of Science at ANU will be hosting an online workshop on how to produce an EMCR rapid-fire talk. Due to the interactional nature of the workshop, participation is live online only (i.e., it will not be recorded). The workshop will be held at 1pm AEST on 9 September 2024, and has limited capacity. Spots are available only to EMCRs who are committed to submitting an EMCR rapid-fire talk and will be allocated on a first-to-register basis. Please indicate if you wish to attend the workshop when you register for the Conference. 


(1) Must be less than 15 years post PhD, excluding career disruption or barrier. A career disruption or barrier is an interruption that has caused prolonged impact on a researcher’s capacity to conduct high-level research in the period since the conferral of their first PhD. It may be due to reduced opportunities for research which may be due to one or more of the following: prolonged absences due to unemployment, childbirth, carers’ responsibilities, limited or no access to facilities and resources, disaster management and recovery, medical conditions, disability, or accessibility needs, community obligations, including Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander cultural practices and protocols.

(2) A rapid-fire talk is a short (3-minute) video in which you highlight your science, targeted to a general audience. Talks about any stage of a project are welcome – whether that be a polished story, a work in progress, or a new idea!