Medical Venture Fund Award
The Medical Venture Fund Award are intended to fund activities outside a student's set curriculum including art, music, a community project, or participation in a workshop.
Helping students to do something they would really love to do outside their set curriculum
The core principle of this award is to provide support for students who wish to enthusiastically seek activities that foster self-development, and who demonstrate a curious and adventurous spirit.
The awards are intended to fund activities outside of a student's set curriculum. A student could receive funding for an activity involving any of the arts, music, a community project, or participation in a workshop.
There are a wide array of activities a student could choose to undertake.
The following is a small sample of eligible activities:
- A course to study an Indigenous language
- Swimming program for migrants
- Fees to undertake interpreter registration examination
- Life-drawing classes for group of students
- Piano lessons
- Registration fees for dragon boat competition
- Organising a team building activity
While there are many activities from which students could choose, there are some that will not be permitted.
These include compulsory First Aid courses, academic program expenses, textbooks, laptops, costs associated with attending conferences/conventions and living expenses not related to a specific project or activity. In determining the suitability of the proposed activity, the final decision will rest with the selection committee.
Each year the Fund will support up to 8 grants, with each grant not to exceed $500, to medical students who:
- is a domestic or international student.
- in 2023, is enrolled in 2nd year or 3rd year of the Medicinae ac Chirurgiae Doctoranda (MChD) program at ANU
- has proposed an eligible activity.
- is not a previous recipient of this grant (either as an individual or as part of a group).
Application and selection
Please complete and submit the online application form.
The application should outline the following:
- The proposed activity
- The proposed costs of the activity
- Maximum of 2 pages describing how this activity will benefit you personally, improve your wellbeing and make you a better member of the community. If the application is for a group, please demonstrate how the proposed activity will benefit the group as a whole.
- If you have questions, please send your email to kathleen.miles@anu.edu.au with the sujbect: Venture Fund
Selection is made on the basis of the student’s application form, and will not be based on academic merit. Factors such as the student’s demonstration of how the activity will be beneficial to the individual or group will be considered.
Deadline for applications: Friday, 10 May at 5:00pm
Completion report
Applicants are required to provide evidence of completion of the activity within 1 month of the date of completion by submitting the following by email to kathleen.miles@anu.edu.au with subject line: Medical Venture Fund Completion Report
- A completion report of up to 500 words, summarising your experience and learnings (photos and videos are welcome).
- Tax receipts evidencing participation in the activity.
The proposed activity should be finalised, and the completion reports submitted before end of 2024.