Beyond the Rural Background Effect
General Practitioners in rural NSW are invited to complete a one hour interview about their life experiences relating to being a rural general practitioner.
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We are investigating the life experiences of rural general practitioners in the Southeast NSW region to understand what leads them to take up general practice in a rural area and what factors support them in staying.
The findings aim to inform rural GPs, practice staff, and rural workforce policy-makers about factors that may hinder recruitment or retention of medical staff, beyond the already known factors of coming from a rural background and rural medical education.
General Practitioners are invited to complete a one hour interview (either online or face-to-face) about their life experiences relating to being a rural general practitioner.
Participation in the interview will result in one-hour of credit towards RACGP Continuing Professional Development (Self-Recorded Activities).
The Rural Clinical School at the Australian National University is committed to providing high-quality rural medical education. We also conduct research which helps address rural medical workforce challenges.
This project focuses on rural general practitioners working within the ANU Rural Clinical School’s footprint which covers the Southern NSW Hospital District together with Cowra and Young.
The map below highlights our teaching footprint in South East NSW and highlights the areas we are targeting for this research project. Town names are for reference only. If you work within the wider footprint, as shown on the map you are eligible to participate.

A better understanding of the key drivers, barriers and enablers of rural general practice, as well as critical time points in a doctor’s life and medical career will help inform future interventions aimed at improving rural GP recruitment and retention.
This project has been reviewed and approved by the ANU Health Research Ethics Committee.
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