Dr Clarke Jones

Visiting Fellow, ANU School of Medicine and Psychology
PhD, UNSW; MA (Criminology) RMIT University; BA (Criminal Justice Administration) RMIT University

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Dr Jones is a criminologist based at the School of Medicine and Psychology at the ANU, specialising in ethnographic, longitudinal and participant observation research. As part of the Australian Intervention Support Hub, Dr Jones works closely with communities that are often marginalised, hard-to-access and at-risk. This includes terrorist offenders and prison gangs in the Philippines, as well as work with specific marginalised and vulnerable communities in Australia. His intention is to develop more culturally and religiously suitable youth interventions to see whether this improves program efficacy and reduce crime or future offending.

Rather than taking a 'countering violent extremism' approach, Dr Jones’ work is grounded on the notion that, to adequately address anti-social and violent behaviours in young people, all efforts must be embedded within activities that engage and support families and communities. He works together with a range of international and domestic experts including psychologists, criminologists and sociologists to provide support to community groups working with troubled young people.

Dr Jones also has several other areas of research expertise, which focus on prison reform and terrorist inmate management. His is currently exploring how different prison environments influence terrorist inmates’ beliefs and behaviour: that is, whether certain prison environments inhibit or foster prison radicalisation and rehabilitation. He compares the beliefs and behaviours of terrorist inmates incarcerated in two different correctional facilities in the Philippines. Dr Jones has recently returned from the Philippines where he examined the management strategies around the new intake of Maute Group offenders from the Marawi conflict.

Prior to academia, he worked for approximately 15 years in several areas of national security, including military, police and intelligence.


Research interests

Violent extremism, radicalisation, prison radicalisation, community-led intervention, prison reform and prison gangs


Narag, R.E., Galehan, J. & Jones, C. (2017). Challenges to inmate classification in a developing country setting: implications for context-based inmate classification schemes. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice. pp. 1-18.DOI: 10.1080/01924036.2017.1364279.
Cherney, A., Sweid, R., Grossman, M., Derbas, A., Dunn, K., Jones, C., Hartley, J. & Barton, G. (2017). Local service provision to counter violent extremism: perspectives, capabilities and challenges arising from an Australian service mapping project. Behavioural Sciences of Terrorism and Political Aggression. DOI: 10.1080/19434472.2017.1350735
Narag, R.E. & Jones, C.R. (2017). Understanding Prison Management in the Philippines: A Case for Shared Governance. The Prison Journal, 97, pp 3–26. DOI: 10.1177/0032885516679366
Jones, C.R. & Guthrie, J. (2016). Efficacy, accessibility and adequacy of prison rehabilitation programs for Indigenous offenders across Australia. The Australasian Institute for Judicial Administration Incorporated. ISBN: 978-1-875527-15-1
Jones, C.R. (2016). Australia’s ‘War on Terror’ Discourse - Book Review. Pacific Affairs, 89, pp. 494-495.
Jones, C. R. & Narag, R. E. (2015). Philippine Prison Gangs: Control or Chaos? Social Science Research Network - RegNet Research Paper Series - 2015/71.
Jones, C. R.  (2014). Prison Gangs and Prison Governance in the Philippines, Griffith Asia Quarterly, 2, pp. 57-74.
Jones, C.R. (2014). Are Prisons Really Schools for Terrorism? Challenging the Rhetoric on Prison Radicalisation. Punishment and Society, 16, pp. 74–103.
Jones, C.R. & Resurrecion S.M. (2012). Integration versus Segregation: a Preliminary Assessment of De-Radicalisation in two Philippine Correctional Facilities, Studies in Conflict and Terrorism, 35, pp. 211-228.
Jones, C.R. (2002). Military as Law Enforcers: Coming to Terms with the New Security Environment. Australian Defence Studies Centre. No. 72. ISBN: 0731704592.
Jones, C.R. (1998). A Security Police Strategic Vision for Operational Considerations into the Next Century: New Criminal Threats and the Nexus with the Australian Defence Force. Air Power Study Centre. No. 38. ISBN: 0642265275.