Youth Exchange Program

During November, the School of Medicine and Psychology has welcomed two health professionals from Indonesia through the Australian-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program.
Dean Dotulong, a Medical Doctor, and Agnes Runtuboy a Laboratory Analyst, are spending three weeks within the School undertaking activities to support their development in teaching and learning techniques.
They earned their spot to visit the Australian National University through a competitive selection process. In addition to experiencing the sights and activities across Canberra, they are both looking forward to taking what they learn, during their visit, to share with their Indonesian colleagues.
Dr Dotulong said, “As a Medical Doctor, the internship provides me the opportunity to work on an anatomy research syllabus for physiotherapy education and to gain experience making AI generated anatomy video content for medical education. These new ideas and experiences will no doubt help me to teach junior doctors in future.”
Ms Runtuboy added, “During my internship I will be learning about data management for assessment items across two courses – physiology and pathophysiology. I’m aware the approach and systems used within these courses for assessment are gold standard and so I’m keen to learn about the system management as it may help me in future.”
Dr Suzanne Estaphan, who is supervising Ms Runtuboy explained, "Outreach and engagement among educational institutions across the globe is a privilege and a responsibility. This exchange program, organised by Value Learning for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade and the Australia-Indonesia Institute, is a wonderful opportunity to support enthusiastic health professionals who are eager to learn, but it is also an opportunity to hear and learn from their experiences. As a supervisor, I’m looking forward to sharing my knowledge and am already seeing from our interactions that this experience is inspiring and something I hope to do again in future."