Deferred & Supplementary Exams

The Research School of Psychology has set two dates for all Semester 2, 2019 deferred and supplementary exams. These dates are:
• Wednesday 4th December 2019 at 9:00 a.m. (Room 149, Building 39)
• Friday 21st February 2020 at 9:00 a.m. (Room 149, Building 39)
If you have been granted permission to sit a deferred exam or supplementary exam, you must sit the exam during one of the two sessions above. If you fail to attend either of these exam sessions, your grade will automatically be converted to an NCN unless you have applied for and been granted a further deferred exam.
The Research School of Psychology highly recommends that students sit the exam during the first time option. If you choose to sit the second exam time out of preference, and then are unwell for that second exam time, it is highly unlikely that you will be allowed to sit another exam. Similarly, if you need to sit (or re-sit) two exams (for example you receive two PX grades for two different courses), you will have to sit one exam on the first exam date, and the second exam on the second exam date. If you have to sit more than 2 exams, please see the relevant convenors.
Once you receive your final grade, and if you fall into one of these two categories, please let the course convenor know which exam you will be sitting.